Testing, Testing

Our goal for this week is to have a basic prototype ready to send out for testing via Testflight by the weekend/beginning of next week. So far Eoin has a wireframe version of the menu (based on the wireframe designs of the previous post) working on the iPad and is currently working on navigating between […]

Grids and Wireframing

To progress with production, we really needed to get our wireframes finalised and get going with coding these up and adding artwork, then get the app on to the device and get testing. Wireframes have been completed, hurray! We were originally considering a three part (12 column grid) but decided on a 16 column grid […]

Tutor Meeting

We met with our tutor, Charlie, last Friday. This year the tutor system is different to previous years. Instead of having only one tutor for everything, we can speak with all of the lecturers as required regarding our app build, but with one main tutor assigned to our written report. This was our first meeting […]

Working on Visuals

Visually, the app has been through a lot of changes so far. We’re working hard to ensure that the artwork works both aesthetically and functionally. The version above is our current iteration. It uses a chalkboard, typographic and illustrative styles which you may remember from our moodboards at the beginning of the project. The thought […]

User Modelling Revisited

We created our original user personas after a lot of research in the requirements and design phases of our project. At that stage we had three personas. However we’ve revisited this based on two main factors: our app has changed significantly since our original user modelling (mainly due to user feedback) and through speaking to […]